XMas Wishes

This year we would like to extend Holiday’s wishes to all our players and families through the words of Denzel Washington.

We just twisted them a bit:

 “Without commitment, you will never start but more importantly without consistency, you will never finish.

Have dreams but have goals too. Dreams without goals are just dreams. They do not become reality.

It’s not easy, if it was easy there would be no Leo Messi, if it was easy there would be no Robert Lewandowski.

If it was easy there would be no Cristiano Ronaldo. 

Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.

So, Keep working. Keep Striving.

Never give up. Fall down seven times, get up eight.

So, Keep moving. Keep growing. Keep learning, Keep working hard.

Appreciate the value of the work you put in, regardless of the result.


Stay Humble. 

See you at practice.

Make the 2022 a Meaningful year!!!”