As our boys and coaches are getting ready for their final game in Orlando, we already know that semi-finals are not in our cards this year. We accepted the results with mixed emotions, as we think we are good enough to advance, but also understanding that our faith is only in our hands, heads and feet and we simply did not do enough to play in semis. Humbly congratulating the teams that were better on the field, we will be back next year eliminating the shortfalls of this tournament. Being in Orlando this week is a huge success for our club. We know where we were a couple of years ago, training at the park with baseball balls flying over our heads. Today we play with the best in the country and have a path that can move us forward beyond the boldest dreams that we might have had just a few years ago. We know much work went into this success on the part of the coaches, players, parents and the club. Some might not recognize or appreciate it. That is fine… As long as we can create emotions as pictured on the face of our boys in this picture, we know we are doing things right!!!! Not perfect, but day after day, week after week and year after year…. simply better. It turns out that it brought us all the way to the National Championship!!!!