Dear SC Vistula Families,
We are hoping that you are all staying healthy, active and at home. We know that we are going through some exceptional times in our lives. This unexpected break forced us all to rearrange our lives, re-evaluate our priorities and hopefully gain a little different perspective on what is important. While, we all miss time on the field doing what we love we also, as the Board, want to make sure this time is not wasted and we can hit the group running when we are cleared to use the fields again.
At this point, we are not sure when that is going to be, but in the meantime we have worked on several important matters:
- All coaches were asked to communicate with their teams and make sure that players stay active and work on improving their skills.
- We decided to move our Annual Fundraiser Ball to June 6, 2020 and you will soon receive a separate email with additional information.
- We have added a new “Parents Communication Portal” on our website – so you can easily send your suggestions, questions, comments. You can also email us at:
- We are working on series of the upgrades to our website – please note that our new website is
- We have added option of online / credit card payment via PayPal for all services / registration fees. You can check it out on our website as well.
- We are working very closely with all the leagues that we are participating in, to evaluate the timeline and options for all our teams. We want to make sure that the club and parents funds are protected, as we have paid already for the games or tournaments that did not or will not take place.
- We also realized that you have paid for the registration for the entire season and we want to make sure that your funds are not going to be lost. Once we have all information from the town, leagues and US Soccer Club as well as NJ Youth Soccer – we will advise you of a plan. We will most likely extend the season and will set up additional sessions during the summer break. Just know that we take this very seriously.
We hope that you all stay healthy and at home.
The Board of SC Vistula.