
Legia Warsaw and S.C. Vistula Recreational soccer is designed to introduce kids to soccer under the eye of professional, Legia certified coaches focusing on soccer skill building as well as physical coordination and development.


Training program includes:

  • Professional training with methodology and philosophy of Legia Warsaw.
  • A large amount of training exercises. Teaching and improving skills have an interesting form and are adapted to the age of the players.
  • In each exercise there is a form of competition, which affects the pace of the exercise and the motivation of the players.
  • Lots of small games. Additional points are awarded for completing technical elements specified by the coach.
  • Harmonious sports development with social, educational and mental needs.
  • Build concentration.
  • Belonging to the big sport family.
  • Small training groups.
  • Well-qualified coaching staff (by the Legia Warsaw Academy staff).
  • A lot of fun and smiles! 🙂
  • Fair play and respect.
  • Strengthen the need for having fun while playing sports.
  • Promote healthy lifestyle and strengthen relationships between children using games with elements of soccer.