PDA / SC Vistula Season Finale 2024





Please find the Parking guide to share with you families. The event is taking place in Walling and Garifled city’s so we highly suggest carpooling and giving yourselves plenty of time to find parking at all site.
Emergency Action Plan:
PLEASE NOTE THE SCORING SYSTEM designed to eliminate as many ties as possible in Group stages,
PDA SC Vistula Season Finale Tournament Rules
All Tournament matches will be played in accordance with the “Laws of the Game” as issued by FIFA, unless modified herein.  The following statements of Rules and Regulations supplement the “Laws of the Game”.
Players can only play for one team only in the weekend
The duration of play will be as shown below.  Two (2) equal halves will be played, with a five (5) minute halftime.  There will be a running clock at all times except halftime.  Time will not be added for any reason.
Age Groups

U-13 thru U-19 {11v11} Two (2) 30-minute halves 
U-12, U-11 {9v9}  Two (2) 25-minute halves
U-8, U-9, and U-10 {7v7} : Two 25-minute halves
In the event that one team appears later than the scheduled time for the start of the match, but within the ten – (10) minute grace period, the match will be played, however, the remaining time shall be divided into two (2) equal halves.
            – In the event of a color conflict, the home team will change.  The home team is the team shown first on the schedule. PDA SC Vistula will wear ALL WHITE on Saturday and Light Blue or RED on Sunday.
            – It will be at the Referee’s discretion to determine the safety and suitability of player equipment including the wearing of a hard brace or soft cast. 
            – Shin guards are mandatory for all players.
Size 5   Age Groups: U-13 thru U-19
Size 4   Age Groups: U-12, U-11 
Size 4   Age groups: U-8, U-9, U-10
Each team will be scheduled for a minimum of 3 games
Division of 6: Each team will play 3 games. The top two point getters from group A and B will compete in the championship game. Then 2nd A vs 2nd B and 3rd A vs 3rd B.
Division of 4 and 8: Each team will play 3 games within a 4-team group.  The first place team from each group will play in the championship match if there is a final in the age group
Rules of Play
  1. All preliminary games will be called not less than five {5} minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game regardless of the amount of time played in each half up to that point.  A game is “complete” upon completion of one half of play regardless of the circumstances of termination during the second half with final results based on the score at the time the game is called.  Preliminary games can end in a tie.
  2. Final games tied after regulation will go directly to penalty licks.   FIFA penalty kicks will determine who advances or is awarded the trophy. Penalty kicks will immediately follow the game.
  3. Players and coaches will take one side of the pitch, and supporters will take the other side of the pitch.
  4. The designated home team is as listed on the schedule.  Game balls will be provided by the tournament, but in the event that the game ball is lost and no replacement is readily available, the home team will be asked to provide a game ball.
  5. Thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of each scheduled game, each team must present to the field marshal the team’s player cards so the team may be checked in to play and the game started as scheduled. A team that fails to report within ten minutes after a scheduled kick off will forfeit the game.
A. Points will be awarded for each game in accordance with the following schedule:
– Six points for a WIN
– Three points for a TIE
– Zero points for a LOSS
– One point for a SHUTOUT (including 0-0 game)
– One point for each goal scored, up to three maximum, regardless of win or loss.
For a forfeited game, the winner will be credited with a 1-0 win and awarded eight points (six for the
win, one for the goal, and one for the shutout). A team abandoned by another team during a game
will be awarded at least eight points. The results of that game shall be based on the score at the time
of the abandonment.

In the event of a points tie, places will be determined as follows:
A. Head to head.
B. Goal differential (maximum of 5 goal difference per game).
C. Most goals scored (maximum of 5 goals per game).
D. Least goals allowed.
Free substitution will be allowed in all age groups.  However, teams may substitute only with the referee’s permission and only at the following times {including overtimes}:
  A. After a goal by either team
  B. At the beginning of the second half.
  C. Prior to a goal kick by either team
  D. Throw in by either team
  E. On a caution, only the cautioned player may be substituted at that time
  F. After an injury on either team when the referee stops play
Players and coaches are expected to conduct themselves within the spirit of good sportsmanship.  Players ejected from the match (Red Card) must sit out the remainder of that match and the following match.  No substitutions may be made for the ejected player during the match in whom the offense has occurred.
– Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at game sites.
– Artificial noise-making devices are prohibited.
All Coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, substitutes, friends and spectators at all times. Coaching from the sidelines (giving direction to one’s own team on points of strategy and position) is permitted, provided:
a)   No mechanical devices are used;
b)   The tone of the voice is instructive and not derogatory;
c)   No coach, substitute, or spectator makes derogatory remarks or gestures to the referees, other coaches, players, substitutes, or spectators;
d)   No coach, substitute, or spectator uses profanity or incites, in any manner, disruptive behavior.
a)    A player or coach receiving two cautions (yellow cards) in a single game is considered to have been given an Ejection (red card) for the purposes of awarding points for the Tournament competition. A player who has been ejected (sent off), will not be replaced. A player or coach who has been ejected will not return for that game and will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game.
b)    A player or coach who is ejected for violent conduct or serious foul play will not be allowed to participate in the next TWO scheduled games.
c)    Any player or coach who assaults a referee will be expelled from the Tournament.
d)    For the purpose of this Tournament a Coach can be carded.
If, in the opinion of game officials, a game must be suspended (for reason), the game may be resumed, but is subject to being ended not less than five (5) prior to the scheduled start of the next game. If in the opinion of game officials, a game must be terminated for misconduct of players, bench coaches, or spectators, the offending team could be suspended from further play and forfeits that game and all remaining games. All previous points earned remain as played. Additionally, the home league and State Association will be contacted as appropriate.
Delays of the game due to injury will result in appropriate time being added to the full game time, based on the judgment of the referee. However, all preliminary games will be terminated not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game
The Referee’s judgment pursuant to the application of the Laws of the game is final!
Game conduct is under the jurisdiction of the referee and the tournament will not overrule a referee’s decision. Referee decisions may not be appealed.  All disputes as to non-referee decisions (i.e. eligibility, interpretation of rules, etc) will be settled by the Tournament Director or his/her designee and that decision will be quick due process and is final and may not be appealed.
a) Players, coaches, and spectators are expected to conduct themselves within the spirit AND the letter of the Law.  Displays of temper or dissent are cause for ejection from the game and surrounding field area.
b) Players, coaches, and team officials ejected from a game by the referee shall be ineligible for the next scheduled game. The tournament committee may take additional disciplinary action against a team or individual for serious offenses, including suspension from the remainder of the tournament and non-eligibility for future tournaments.  Passes for the player or coach are to be held at tournament headquarters.  Coaches may be located on the spectator’s side of the field but may not coach or communicate with the team in any way. Players may sit with their team but may not be in uniform. Also, Tournament management will report red cards issued to players from other State Associations to those players’ home State Associations. Notice will be sent to the US Soccer Federation of disciplinary action taken and they will transmit the disciplinary action taken or required to that team’s provincial or national association.
e) In the event of an assault or abuse of a game official, a judiciary hearing shall immediately be convened at a Tournam
nt site to be designated by the Tournament Director.  All terms described in the USSF Official Administrative Rule Book – Misconduct Toward Game Official – shall apply.  In any event, a player or coach or other team official or spectator who is charged with an assault on or abuse of a game official is suspended from further participation in the PDA Invitational tournament.
F} All matches must use referees certified by the Federation.
a) In case of inclement weather or other force majeure, the Tournament Committee will have the authority to change games as follows:
b) Relocate or reschedule any game(s).
c) Change the duration of any game(s).
d) Cancel any preliminary game(s).
e) Specific guidelines:
i) INCLEMENT WEATHER BEFORE THE MATCH – PRELIMINARY ROUNDS; Referees and/or Tournament Committee may reduce the length of the match, and subsequent matches by 50%, however the halves of the match must be of equal duration.  If the match is cancelled, the Tournament Committee will award a 0-0 tie.
ii) INCLEMENT WEATHER BEFORE THE MATCH – If games are not able to be played a shootout will determine the winner and if a shootout cannot occur, the match will be decided by the flip of a coin.
iii) INCLEMENT WEATHER BEFORE THE MATCH – CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH; If the championship match cannot be played the teams will become Co-Champions.  A coin will be flipped to decide who gets the awards.  Coin toss winner gets choice of Championship trophy and second place medals or Championship medals. The team that lost the coin toss will get the remaining awards.  Both teams will gain the title of tournament Co-Champions.
iv) INCLEMENT WEATHER DURING A MATCH – PRELIMINARY; The match will be considered completed and the score will stand if one half has been completed.  If less than one half has been completed, a 0-0 tie will be awarded by the Tournament Committee.
v) INCLEMENT WEATHER DURING THE MATCH – The match will be considered completed and the score will stand if one half has been completed.   If less than one half has been completed, a shootout will determine the winner.  If a shootout cannot occur a flip of a coin will determine the winner.
vi) INCLEMENT WEATHER DURING A MATCH – CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH; The match will be considered completed and the score will stand if one half has been completed.  If less than one half has been completed, the Tournament Committee will award a 0-0 tie and both teams will be deemed Co-Champions.  A coin toss winner gets choice of Championship trophy and second place medals or Championship medals.  The team that lost the coin toss will get the remaining awards.  Both teams will gain the title of tournament Co-Champions
vii) INCLEMENT WEATHER BEFORE START OF TOURNAMENT; If severe inclement weather causes the cancellation of the tournament in its entirety, ALL TEAMS WILL be refunded at least  60% of a team’s entry fee.
Viii) The tournament committee will make all decisions concerning weather.
a) Under no circumstances whatsoever will the Tournament Committee, NJYSA, Vistula or US Club Soccer be responsible for any expenses (including the Tournament entry fee) incurred by any team.  This includes a situation where the Tournament or any game(s) is canceled/terminated in whole or part once it starts- A minimum of 60% of a team’s entry fee will be refunded if the tournament is cancelled BEFORE it begins. No other refunds will be given.
b) The Tournament Committee’s interpretation of the rules shall be final.
c) The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to this Tournament.
d) No items of any kind may be sold at Tournament Headquarters, the playing fields, or surrounding the event areas for the duration of the Tournament without the expressed, written approval of the Tournament Committee.  A team found in violation of this rule will not be declared a division winner or a wild card team.  Determination of guilt will be by the senior Tournament Official present.
Surfaces / Fields:
20th Century field 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 are Grass and all other surfaces are turf.
Please make sure all you players are fully hydrated starting today and talk at field regarding water breaks between the referees and Head Coaches.