Ho, Ho, Ho…. Santa visited SC Vistula!!!

As the annual tradition would have it, the Santa visited all SC Vistula Garfield players yesterday. Over 400 kids met the noble Santa Claus and received small gifts. We also had some soccer skills competition for all players and selected parents. We believe that grand time was had by all. Thanks are in order for all “little elves” who helped getting the gifts ready, all coaches and team managers who worked hard on getting the event ready for Santa’s arrival. But, the most Thanks should go all parents and players, who as requested brought the gifts that are going to be sent to the Orphanage Home in Poland. We collected over 10 boxes of clothes, toys and sweets. We are certain that they are going to put some smiles on the faces of the kids, that might not be as fortunate as we are. This is what the Holiday season should be about and we are proud that our players understand that. Happy Holidays with enough time for reflection on what is important in Life.