As we all know, coach Rafal and his family went through a rough couple of days. While they are putting their life together, the support received from SC Vistula families was fantastic.
Below is a short note from coach Rafal:
Skladamy serdeczne podziekowania dla calej Spolecznosci Vistula Garfield za wsparcie materialne i duchowe jakie otrzymalismy przez ostatnie dni, po pozarze naszego mieszkania na Lester Street.
Dzieki Panstwa pomocy w tych trudnych chwilach, jest nam o wiele latwiej.
Dziekujemy i zyczymy Wszystkim Wesolych Swiat i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku.
Dear All,
We want to thank all people involved from the SC Vistula Family in helping us after our apartment burned down.
We would like to thank you for the mental and financial support that everybody offered in this hard time for us.
We want to wish Everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you one more time!
Olga, Rafal, Borys Bogusz